Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Changes in my life.

Remember how I said that I was fine with M liking Tony? Well, I still don’t hate her, of course, but she’s really starting to get on my nerves. “Why?” - you may ask. Well, I’m getting seriously sick of the way she keeps on talking on and on non-stop about Tony all the time! Seriously, sometimes I cannot stand the way she will talk about how she will try to find opportunities to meet Tony alone. She even said she wanted to invite him to her house! And… AND… the part I’m most irritated about is that she is STILL flirting around with boys even though she says she is in love with Tony!!! I have not been hanging out with her so often now. Still, I can honestly say that it’s not jealousy that I’m feeling. It’s just… irritating to hear her talk like that, you know?

Now, I have to stop my ranting for a bit and thank all of you lovely people for giving me advice over the past few weeks. You girls and dudes have really helped me a lot and I really appreciate your comments. You comfort me and help me through the times when I am feeling stressed. HERE’S A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL!!! *Hugs*

Because of your advice, I managed to understand the situation my Mom is in. I realise that I have not been very fair to her by blaming her for everything. After all, she is also feeling stressed over having to take care of Ben too.

A few days ago, Katy had her 10th birthday. At first, Mom had no time and energy to organize a birthday party for her and Katy was very angry. They had a quarrel and I was about to take Katy’s side when I suddenly realised that Mom was looking extremely stressed out and tired. At that moment, I suddenly understood that it must have been really tiring to take care of Ben, and I pitied her. So, I offered to be the one to organize Katy’s birthday party.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I get along better with Katy now. I used to think she was irritating and childish. She is not exactly very mature yet, but she has stopped acting like a baby. I’m not so irritated by her now and I quite like it when sometimes, we spend some time with each other. Occasionally, we still quarrel, but as compared to the past, I think that I like Katy a lot more and we are much closer to each other now.

Yours Hopefully,


bravo95^_^ said...

Dear Anna,
I think you are really JEALOUS! about tony and M!Just admit it ! it just seems to as you are complaining about it! Anna i think you should not criticize M that she is a fliter as you two have so far become 'Good friends' ! And you knows she has family problems saying that her parents do not care about her etc,probably she just wants someone to love her since her parents do not love her.I think you can tell M your thoughts or your feelings towards her! Anna please help me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to katy! Anna i think your mum is in the wrong as katy just wants a birthday party as probably her friends have a birthday party and yet she dosen't have any and she is jealous about it.But katy is also at fault too as she don't seem to understand what difficulty is her mum facing.If she have a choice, i think your mum does not want benedict to have hydrocelphaus too. Anna I'm so happy for you it is the first time you said your sister is not annoying or irritating! and you still organise a party for your sister! I think when she hear about that she will be very happy!I am so glad that you two are getting on well thats really good news!Stay happy ! XD
yours sincerely,
Verlencia chu(14)

GDLSS 1A2 08 said...

Oh hello Anna,
I'm really confused.
You said that you have a crush on Jeff,BUT you are still jealous of M loving Tony.I WONDER WHY???
I heard that M has some family problems.So,i hope that you do not put a burden of load over her.She will feel very bad you know.By the way,you and your sister,Katy are going along very well right now.I CONGRATULATE YOU FOR THAT.Last time,you described her as 'irritating' and you even dared to call her a 'nuisance'.But now,you have changed.
You can always contact me by calling me at:9876543210 or you can e-mail me
Good luck,

GDLSS 1A2 08 said...

To Anna:
Please reply me back on the question:I WONDER WHY???.

Stefan J.s.m said...

Well,looks like you are growing up to be a very responsible young lady,good for you!But i have to agree with Bravo95^_^ that you are simply jealous of Miranda because you still have some feelings for Tony and the flirting is bothering you as you think Tony should deserve a nice young lady-YOU!
Cool down Spanna,
Stefan J.s.M

Stefan J.s.m said...

Oh yeah,i should recommend you to get a Chat box on your blog so that we can leave messages for each other every time we visit this blog....
Going Extreme,
Stefan J.s.M

hero said...

Hi Anna,
You are so JEALOUS! You said that u have a special feeling on Jeff, yet you still feel jealous about Miranda and Tony.Please don't be so jealous.


N I C :) said...

Hey there Anna:),
Well, I think I know what you're trying to say. Your trying to say that you're quite irritated of Miranda always talking about Tony and now that you realised that you are not in love with Tony you're just sick and tired of hearing his name over and over again? Probabaly that is how Miranda show affection to someone--mentioning his name a million times =):(TONY TONY TONY TONY =D) Is that what you mean??..Well, Miranda is Miranda--I just hope It'll be different now and really means her feelings to Tony..And Don't get a bit insecured about the two. Thre's Jeff anyways ;)

Moving on, I just want to greet Katy a happy birthday, Yeah and just heard that you actually organised the party!..Cool!.. Responsible sister i suggest ;p Well, I hope your Mom will overcome all the stress and depression she is facing right now due to taking care of baby Ben, Katy--I think, still doesn't know much about what's going on as much as all of you do, I mean she's still a child after all though she grew older and had been less more irritating--which is a good news to hear because I heard you two are actually getting along with each other now than the last time!--Congratualtions, you two deserve to win a noble prize..haha:D

Anyway, STILL I hope things will get better and whatever God destines to us..Let it be:)

Ben10 said...

To Anna,
I think you are really jealous about M and Tony...Don't be so jealous Anna...

Ben Tan(18)

Muhammad Rasul said...

Hi Anna,
How is the relationship within you and katy. Did i told you that she will be a non-irritating girl one day. So how katy birthday party?. Is it going smooth and do you enjoy the party. Well before i forget, can you congratulate her a happy 10th birthday. About your family, is there any change?. If yes i thank you because you follow what my classmates and i ask you to do. Got to go now. BYE


AllenWalker said...

Dear Anna,
I thinked that you are too jealous about M and tony!You have just said you have feelings for jeff but now you are jealous.It means you standing on two boat!!!

Super angry,

Glory Of Love

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